For Adults, Teens and Organizations

Virtual sessions can be done using the HIPAA compliant app that Dr. Dilley uses. Sometimes things just don't work that way you planned and doing your session from home is best. If you opt to do art, all you need is a pen and paper. If you have more supplies, dig in and we can explore your psyche as well as your media.

Individual Psychotherapy
There is space for all of your sadness, your nonsense, your grief, and your hopes. There is even room for your silliness and your tantrums. Individual therapy is a time for you to explore who you are, who you were, and who you want to be. It will challenge you but the rewards are immeasurable. It may be the best thing that you do for yourself.

Explore your hidden visions as you create art together, learn from others and share your experiences. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts and with group therapy, you can tap into a different dimension of your identity that is unique to the group experience.
Psychotherapy Groups
Expressive Art Groups
Group art making can be a sacred process that grounds you, reduces anxiety, and brings new awareness and meaning. Please plan to commit to as many sessions as possible in the series, this consistency will provide a safe space for everyone to express themselves. No one is required to speak, you may contribute only as much as you feel comfortable.
Healing Art for Chronic Illness
for women
$50 intake/$52 session
Click for flyer
Tuesdays biweekly
Beginning February 18
to May 27, 2025
Art sessions begin with a brief medication and check in. You'll be given an art directive and supplies. You have about 45 minutes to create a piece. There's no right or wrong way to do this. Afterward, we'll discuss the pieces to create more insight, understanding, and empowerment about your and your illness. You can take your art with you each session as a reminder of what you have learned and a validation of yourself and your goals.
Teen Art Group
coming soon...
Ages 13-18
A quick tour of the therapeutic art studio

Permission was granted by the clients for all art displayed below.

Dr. Dilley is a licensed psychologist, not a licensed art therapist. She provides expressive art therapy.
Classes Held At Other Locations
West Lafayette Public Library
208 West Columbus St.
West Lafayette IN 47906